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This is a "ready to ship" item and will be shipped out within 7 days after placing the order.


If you are outside of Texas, you will need to ship us your flowers after the event date. This shipping kit option includes all of the supplies that you will need to safely ship your flowers to us! You can gather all of the material easily on your own but this is a great option to take some stress off of you and your family on your big day. 


This product can be purchased as an add on to your order if you didn't originally added it onto your order. It can fit most regular to large sized bouquets. You do not need to purchase this if you are wanting to locally drop off your flowers or, if you would like to package the flowers with youor supplies, or if you already incldued it with your order. If you can not remember if you added it or not then shoot us an email!


*This is not required if you are planning to ship the flowers to us. We have written instructions and a video to view on the What's Next page if you would rather package using your own supplies!

Shipping Kit

    • Not available to add on if your event date is within 2 weeks of ordering.
    • Not available for international weddings.
    • A return label is not included with the kit. You are responsible for the price of shipping the flowers back to us.
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